Thursday, September 15, 2005

Hybrid Cars - Hybrid Cars Burst onto Scene at Frankfurt Show

Hybrid Cars - Hybrid Cars Burst onto Scene at Frankfurt Show

It is interesting that while the Toyota Chairman talks about making all hybrid cars, the European makers such as BMW talk about hybrids maybe winning 3.5% of the market someday. Europeans believe in the efficiency of the diesel engine. Evenutally, when the auto is powered primarily or even 100% by grid electricity, the efficiency of the large scale power plant relative to a small diesel engine will win every time.

In a September 12 article, Jen Haberkorn with the Washington Post addresses how quickly sales on hybrids are climbing. According to Haberkorn some buyers are making deposits for hybrids without ever seeing them but on the concept alone. See the Washington Post story here
Unfortunately, according to there simply are not enough hybrid components to make enough hybrid vehicles to meet hybrid demand. FLuctuating oil prices are driving the consumer choices. Anyone making parts for these vehicles will be a part of the bull.
Jump on for the ride.