Thursday, April 07, 2005

House lawmakers set plan in motion to move energy bill - Electric Utilities - Gas/Utilities - Oil and Gas - Energy - Commodities

House lawmakers set plan in motion to move energy bill - Electric Utilities - Gas/Utilities - Oil and Gas - Energy - Commodities

Slow progress in the house and senate. The republicans control the house and senate but there are many factions to consider. The omnibus energy bill will include a lot of features that require a lot of horse trading.

With gasoline prices over $2 a gallon, the pressure is on to do something. The senate will be the key battle ground. One must hope that senators will not try to regulate heavily as the allocation of resources is done best by a price set by supply and demand.

The stock market made a nice move today. The pattern is that on days when energy prices are up 2% the airline stocks are down 1% and when energy prices are down 1% airline stocks are up 3%.

Do the CAL, AMR, NWAC, DAL Gulp! (See Do the Google Gulp on this blog December 30, 2004.) CAL seems to add long haul flights daily. Load factors are going up daily. Ticket prices have risen 4 times in recent weeks. A close friend and a relative each purchased CAL shares today. My projection is $40 per share in 4 years, but then I am just an amateur speaking my mind for the fun of it.