Friday, September 21, 2007


Jaywalk reports that another analyst has moved from a hold on CAL to a strong buy recommendation. The Jaywalk numbers are now, 1 strong sell, 0 sell, 9 hold, 10 buy and 4 strong buy. The Thompson numbers are 0 sell, 1 under-perform, 4 hold, 5 buy and 3 strong buy. The consensus estimate for 2007 is now at $4.27 and the estimate for 2008 is now $5.19. The $4.67 has been increased about 10% over the past several weeks.

The house has passed a bill to pay for the new air traffic control system by raising taxes on jet fuel. The bill will also allow airports to increase the ticket tax from $4.25 to $7. President Bush has pledged to veto the bill. Last night after the bill was passed, the President said in a press conference that he got a B in economics but an A in holding down taxes.

All the strong buy ratings in the world will not push the price of CAL up. However, the stock has become an obvious value. What analyst is willing to put a sell on a company that is growing earnings dramatically even while enduring very high input prices?


I have struggled to keep a few accounts on board in regard to the airlines. I get few complaints about my other stock selections. Google is still the most fun stock to watch. Google makes dramatic moves week after week. The Google presentation package is similar to prior products designed to take market share from Microsoft. The package is a good basic package that is free to use. It does not have all the bells and whistles as PowerPoint but it is more useful to those who enjoy the free and easy collaboration across the Internet. Google has the money to move in any direction that it wants but it has clearly chosen to allocate a lot of resources to mobile communications. The world is changing as we speak. Millions of people are taking their home phones mobile. One day, the internet is going to be everywhere! Google is on the way to $100,000 per share!